Hoops4Life Waterbury Fall Basketball League (Boys & Girls) Fall League Start Week of Oct 7 - November 19 Six -week league Open Boys & Girls ages 7- 15 ( Greater Waterbury area) Division : Fundamental League 3rd- 4th , and 5th grade Boys & Girls Division : Swish League -6th & -8th grade Boys & Girls Discount for 8 players If you like to be a COACH please acquire with an email Cost: $55. Training: along with league $100.00 for three session once a week with Randy Brooks Objective: to develop the player's overall skills and IQ. FOCUS AREA: Learn new basketball skills Make new friends Emphasize positive competition Teamwork, and building self-esteem and confidence Email: hoops4life0092@aol.com website: www. hoops4lifect.com Contact: Deneen Fryer 203 575-4340 Open registration: September 24, @ West Side Middle School 483 Chase Pkwy Waterbury 6:00pm-7:00